(Asterisk * with co-author’s names indicates that Vuchic is the first author)
8.1 “Some Remarks about the Traffic Regulation in W. Germany and Denmark”; Transportation 2/1959, pp. 317‑319 (in Serbian, summary in German).
8.2 “Highway and Urban Traffic in Great Britain”; Transportation 5/1959, pp. 866‑871 (in Serbian, summary in English).
8.3 Review of the Book: H. K. Evans (Editor): “Traffic Engineering Handbook”; Transportation 10/1959, p. 1660 (Serbian).
8.4 “Public Transportation in London”; Urban Transportation 10‑11/1959 pp. 11‑30 (Serbian). Also published with modifications, in Transportation 1/1961, pp. 154‑161 (Serbian, summary in English).
8.5 “Development of Road Networks in Scandinavian Countries”; Transportation 4/1960, pp. 824‑828 (Serbian, summary in English).
8.6 Review of the book: W. W. Hay: “Railroad Engineering”; Transportation 4/1960, p. 832 (Serbian).
8.7 Review of the Road Research Laboratory (England) reports: “Road Research in 1956” and “Road Research in 1957”; Transportation 4/1960, pp. 832‑833 (Serbian).
8.8 Review of the book: Baker and Funaro: “Parking”; Transportation 8/1960, p. 1602 (Serbian).
8.9 “Traffic Signals”; Transportation 6/1961, pp. 1115‑1123 (Serbian, summary in German).
8.10 “Role of Public Transportation in Hamburg, Germany”; Traffic Quarterly, 1/1964, pp. 118‑140.
8.11 Discussion on the paper “Airport Accessibility Affects Passenger Development”; in the Journal of the Aero‑Space Transport Division, Proceedings of the ASCE, 1/1966.
8.12 “Pedestrian Crossing Time in Determining Widths of Signalized Traffic Arterials”; Transportation Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Aug. 1967, pp. 224‑231.
8.13 (With G. F. Newell)* “Rapid Transit Interstation Spacings for Minimum Travel Time”; Transportation Science Vol. 2, No. 4, Dec. 1968, pp. 303‑339.
8.14 “Fahrplanstörungen ‑ zusätzliche Faktoren, betriebliche Maßnahmen” (“Schedule irregularities – additional factors and operational measures”); Verkehr und Technik Vol. 22, No. 4, April 1969, pp. 97‑100.
8.15 “Propagation of Schedule Disturbances in Line‑haul Passenger Transportation” (in French, English and German); Revue de l’UITP, No. 4, 1969; Brussels, Belgium (an expanded version of paper #8.14).
8.16 “Rapid Transit Interstation Spacings for Maximum Number of Passengers”; Transportation Science Vol. 3, No. 3, Aug. 1969, pp. 214‑232.
8.17 “A System View at the Urban Highway Transportation Situation”; Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Highway Transportation Conference, Pennsylvania State University, 1969.
8.18 “Minicar Transit System ‑ A New Concept and Its Evaluation”; Highway Research Record 318, pp. 27‑39; Washington 1970.
8.19 (With W. S. Homburger) “Federation of Transit Agencies as a Solution for Service Integration”; Traffic Quarterly, July 1970, pp. 373‑391.
8.20 “Concept of Flexibility in Transportation System Analysis”; High Speed Ground Transportation Journal Vol. 5, No. 1, 1971, pp. 53‑61.
8.21 (With B. F. Byrne): “Public Transportation Line Positions and Headways for Minimum Cost”; Traffic Flow and Transportation; Editor: G.F. Newell; American Elsevier, 1972, pp. 347‑360.
8.22 (With W. S. Homburger): “Transit Federation ‑ A Solution for Service Integration”; (in French, English and German) ‑ Revue de l’UITP No. 2, 1972, pp. 73‑100; Brussels, Belgium (an updated version of paper #8.19).
8.23 (With R. M. Stanger)*: “Lindenwold Rail Line and Shirley Busway ‑ A Comparison”; HR Record 459, pp. 13‑28; Washington, 1973.
8.24 (With M. J. Weston)*: “Urban Transportation Improvements Through Low Cost Traffic Engineering Measures”; HR Record 461, pp. 30‑34, Washington, 1973.
8.25 “Skip‑Stop Operation as a Method for Transit Speed Increase”; Traffic Quarterly, April 1973, pp. 307‑327.
8.26 Discussion of Reports 3a, 3b, and 6; Proceedings of the 39th UITP Congress in The Hague; UITP, Brussels, 1973.
8.27 “Quo Vadis, ASCE?”; Civil Engineering, June 1973, pp. 59‑61.
8.28 “Rapid Transit Automation and the Last Crew Member”; Railway Gazette International, October 1973, pp. 382‑385; London.
8.29 (With S. Kikuchi)*: “Design of Outlying Rapid Transit Station Areas”; TR Record 505, pp. 1-12, Washington, 1974.
8.30 (With E. L. Tennyson and W. C. Underwood)*: “Application of Guidelines for Improvement of Transit Service and Operating Efficiency”; TR Record 519, pp. 66‑72, Washington, 1974.
8.31 “National Transportation Policy ‑ The Basic Prerequisite for Progress”; Hearings, Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives; Part I, pp. 217‑253. USGPO Washington, 1974.
8.32 (With R. M. Stanger)*: “New Transit Technologies: An Objective Analysis is Overdue”; Railway Gazette International, Oct. 1974, pp. 384‑387; London.
8.33 (With B. F. Day and R. M. Stanger)*: “Rail Transit: Characteristics, Innovations and Trends”; TR Record 552, pp. 1‑18, Washington, 1975.
8.34 (With B. F. Day)*: “Some Comments on Bus Capacity Analysis”; Discussion of a paper by Levinson/Hoey; TR Record 546, pp. 41‑42, Washington, 1975.
8.35 Discussion of a paper by Boyd, et al.; TR Record 559, pp. 45‑47,Washington, 1976.
8.36 “Comparative Analysis and Selection of Transit Modes”; TR Record 559, pp. 51‑62, Washington, 1976.
8.37 “Schnellbahn Automation und “der Letzte Mann” am Zug”; adapted translation of #8.28; Verkehr und Technik, March 1975, pp. 90‑94.
8.38 “Urban Transportation Policy: Time for Reorientation”; written testimony to the Transportation Committee of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors; New Orleans, 22 March 1975.
8.39 “Place of Light Rail in the Family of Transit Modes”; TRB Special Report 161, pp. 62‑76, 1975. Also published in Saobracaj u gradovima (in Serbian); Belgrade, 1977.
8.40 (With B. F. Day and B. Anderson)*: “Theoretical and Practical Capacities of Transit Modes”; presented at the IntersocietyConference of Transportation, Atlanta, 1975.
8.41 “Evaluating UMTA’s Work”; Proceedings of the R & D Priorities Conferences, DOT/UMTA with APTA, Washington, February 1976, pp. 7‑99, and Nov.‑Dec. 1976, pp. 52‑54.
8.42 “Skip‑Stop Operation: High Speed with Good Area Coverage” (in French, English and German ‑ revised version of #8.25), UITP Revue, No. 2, Brussels, 1976.
8.43 “Transit Regulation: Improve It, Decrease It, or Eliminate It?”; Transit Journal November 1976, pp. 5‑14. Also published in: Urban Transportation Economics, TRB Special Report 181, 1978, pp. 76‑79.
8.44 Discussions of Reports 3a, 4 and 8; Proceedings of the 41st UITP Congress in Montreal; UITP, Brussels, 1977.
8.45 “Rail Transit in Perspective”; Rail Transit Conference of APTA,Washington, June 1977.
8.46 “Heavy Obstacles for Light Rail;” Highlights from the paper #8.49; Railway Age, 12 Sep. 1977, pp. 62‑63.
8.47 “Which Mode Can Save Most Energy? No Simple Answer Exists”, written testimony for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, 5 Oct. 1977.
8.48 “Integrated Urban Transportation ‑ A Major Challenge for Trans-portation Engineers”, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Mexico City, Oct. 1977.
8.49 “Current Trends: Problems and Prospects of Light‑Rail Transit”; TRB Special Report 182, “Light‑Rail Transit: Planning and Technology”; pp. 8‑12, 1978.
8.50 “Die Bedeutung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs aus nordamerikanischer Sicht”; Schriftenreihe für Verkehr und Technik, Heft 67, pp. 76‑100; Bielefeld, W. Germany, 1978.
8.51 “Light Rail Transit in Boston ‑ Symbol of a New Era”; Proceedings of the International Symposium “Roads in Towns”, sponsored by Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, 16‑18 May 1979; pp. 17‑1 to 17‑18. Also published in Japanese translation of the Proceedings, pp. 17‑1 to 17‑12.
8.52 (With R.M. Stanger), “The Design of Bus‑Rail Transit Facilities”; Transit Journal, APTA, Washington, Fall 1979, pp. 61‑72.
8.53 “High‑Performance Transit Planning, Modes and Networks”; Proceedings of Mass Rapid Transit System Seminar; Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1980; pp. 17‑72.
8.54 “Designers widen the urban rail options”; Railway Gazette International, Jan. 1982, (4 pp.), London.
8.55 (With S. Kikuchi), “Transit Vehicle Stopping Regimes and Spacings”; Transportation Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, Aug. 1982, pp. 311‑331.
8.56 “Javni gradski promet: sistemi i tehnologija” (adapted sections from Vuchic’s book); Suvremeni promet March 1982, pp. 239‑243; Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
8.57 “Transportation Technologies for Cities in Developing Countries”; paper in English, French and Spanish, presented at CODATU II Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 1982.
8.58 (With T. J. Potter)* “Train Crew Reduction for Increased Productivity of Rail Transit”; TR Record 908, pp. 51‑57, Washington, 1983.
8.59 “Analytical Review of Guided Transit Systems”; in Rapid Transport Systems, Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Rapid Transit Systems in Amalfi, Italy in Oct. 1983; pp. 141‑152. ICTS ‑ Elsevier, 1985.
8.60 “The auto versus transit controversy: Toward a rational synthesis of urban transportation policy”; Transportation Research Special Issue on Public Policy; Vol. 18A, No. 2, pp. 125-133, Spring 1984.
8.61 “Transit Technology Today”; Proceedings, Symposium on Recent Developments of Urban Transit Technology, pp. A‑1 ‑ A‑30; Nov. 1984, Taipei.
8.61a “Tecnologia dei trasporti urbani di massa”; Ingegneria Ferroviaria, Nov. 1986, pp. 767-775, 780; Roma (translation of #8.61).
8.62 “O‑Bahn ‑ Description and Evaluation of a New Concept”; TR Record 1011, pp. 8‑15, Washington, 1985.
8.63 (With R. M. Stanger) “Automated Guided Transit versus Conventional Rail”; TR News 120, pp. 8‑13; Washington, Sep/Oct. 1985.
8.64 “Light rail transit ‑ Ugly duckling becomes a swan”; Railway Gazette International, Nov. 1985, pp. 829‑835; London.
8.65 (With S. Kikuchi)* “Planning an Integrated Regional Rail Network: Philadelphia Case”; TR Record 1036, pp. 51‑62; Washington, 1985.
8.66 “Der spurgeführte Bus ‑ Analyse und Vergleich der O‑Bahn mit anderen ÖPNV‑Systemen”; Der Nahverkehr June 1985, pp. 44‑50; Düsseldorf, W. Germany.
8.67 “Deregulation: a return to the primitive”; City Transport, May/June 1986, pp. 18‑20; London.
8.68 “Trends in the Development of Urban Passenger Transport Systems and Vehicles”; Proceedings of the XXI FISITA Congress, pp. 2.29‑2.35; Belgrade, 2‑6 June 1986.
8.69 “Recent Transit Developments in North America”; Proceedings of the Symposium on Public Transport Futures, Nottingham, April 1986, pp. 69-84.
8.70 “Metro systems in year 2000: modernization, diversification and expansion”; (in English, French and German); UITP Revue, 4/1986, pp. 307-334, Brussels.
8.71 “Deregulierung – ein Rückfall ins Primitive?” (modified and updated translation of #8.67); Der Gastkommentar in Der Nahverkehr, January 1987, pp. 6-8.
8.72 “Urban Transit: A Public Asset of National Significance”; Urban Resources Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 3-6, 63; University of Cincinnati, 1987.
8.73 (With A. Musso) “Characteristics of Metro Networks and Methodology for Their Evaluation”; TR Record 1162, pp. 22-33, Washington, 1988.
8.73a “Karakteristike metro mreza i metodologija za njihovo vrednovanje”; Serbo-Croatian translation of an adapted version of #8.73; Saobracaj u gradovima, 1/1991, pp. 1-12, Belgrade.
8.74 “Design, Evaluation and Selection of Transit Systems: Theory and Practice”; Proceedings of the Conference on les Transports Collectifs Urbains, Ecole Nacionale des Ponts et Chaussees, pp. 287-299, Paris, 1988.
8.75 (With A. Bata)* “U.S. cities lead fight against graffiti”; Railway Gazette International January 1989, pp. 39-41.
8.76 “The Great Debate: Potential Roles of Different Transit Modes” TRB Special Report 221, pp. 62-65, 1989.
8.77 “National Transportation Policy – Urban/Suburban Systems”; written testimony at the DOT Hearing in Philadelphia, 30 August 1989.
8.78 Review of the book “Urban Railways and the Civil Engineer”; Transportation Science, ORSA, Vol. 23, No. 4, November 1989, pp. 300-301.
8.79 (With O. Olanipekun)* “Lindenwold Rail Line and New Jersey Transit Buses: a Comparison”; TR Record 1266, pp. 123-138, Washington, 1990.
8.80 “Prospects for Competitiveness of Urban Public Transport”; Proceedings of Urbania, International Seminar in Padova, Italy, 19-23 February 1991; 9. pp.
8.80a “Considerazioni e proposte per la competitivita del trasporto pubblico urbano”; Italian translation of paper #8.80; Ingegneria Ferroviaria, Luglio-Agosto 1991, pp. 464-467.
8.81 “From Suburban Railways to Regional Rail Systems”; Proceedings of S-Bahn nach Mass, International Conference in Zürich, 24-26 Apr. 1991; pp. 107-116.
8.82 (With A. Musso)* “Theory and practice of metro network design” (in English, French and German); Public Transport International, 3/1991, pp. 298-325, Brussels.
8.83 “Recognizing the Value of Rail Transit” TR News 156, Sep.-Oct. 1991, pp. 13-19, Washington.
8.84 “The Role of Automated Guided Transit Systems in Urban Transportation” (in English and Korean); Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automated Guided Transit, Seoul, 1-2 Dec. 1992; published by Korea Transport Institute, pp. 129-148.
8.85 “Regional Rail Developments in North America”; invited paper; Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR, Lyon, June 1992; 12 pp.
8.86 (With A. Musso)* “The Role and Organization of Transfers in Transit Networks”; Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR, Lyon, June 1992; 12 pp.
8.87 “The Family of Urban Transport Modes”; The Urban Transport Industries Report 1993; pp. 20-22; Campden Publishing Ltd., London, Great Britain.
8.88 “The Role of Rail Transit in Contemporary Cities”; in The City as a Human Environment, pp. 105-112. Praeger, 1994.
8.89 (With S. Kikuchi, N. Krstanoski & Y.E. Shin)* “The Negative Impacts of HOVs on Transit”; Proceedings of the 7th National HOV Conference in Los Angeles, June 1994.
8.90 “Urban Transportation – a Special Challenge for Civil Engineers”; Proceedings of the JSCE 80th Anniversary International Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 1994; pp. 275-290.
8.91 “Erfahrungen mit Busspuren in USA”; Der Nahverkehr 11/1994, pp. 61-64; Düsseldorf, Germany.
8.92 (With S. Kikuchi, N. Krstanoski & Y. E. Shin)* “Negative Impacts of Busway and Bus Lane Conversions into High-Occupancy Vehicle Facilities”; TR Record 1496, pp. 75-86, Washington, 1995.
8.93 (With E. C. Bruun) “Time-Area Concept: Development, Meaning and Applications”; TR Record 1499, pp. 95-104, Washington, 1995.
8.94 “Transportation for Livable Seoul”; Proceedings of the International Seminar “Seoul – a Livable City”; Seoul, 1995.
8.95 “Deregulation: A Return to the Primitive”; an updated and expanded version of #8.67, in English and Serbo-Croatian; Urban Transportation 2/1996, pp.3-10; Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
8.96 (With F. DeFalco, T. Young & J.-C. Ziv) “Linea C: la scelta tecnologica – Un’ expertise internazionale”; Comune di Roma, Campidoglio, 1996. Vuchic’s report pp. 21-30.
8.97 “Personal Rapid Transit: An Unrealistic System”; Urban Transport International 7/1996, p.35; also in The Urban Transportation Monitor, Nov. 22, 1996, p.7; discussion in Dec. 20, 1996 issue.
8.98 (With Y.E. Shin, E.C. Bruun & N. Krstanoski)* “Urban Transportation Policies and Practices in the United States and Its Peer Countries”; TR Record 1576, pp. 132-139; Washington, 1997.
8.99 (With Y.J. Lee & Y.E. Shin)* “Travel Costs and Intermodal Distribution In Urban Transportation”; TR Record 1649, pp. 105-112; Washington, 1998.
8.100 (With A. Musso)* “Increasing Potential of Road Pricing for Improved Efficiency of Urban Transportation”; Proceedings, 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerp, Belgium, 1998.
8.101 “LRT – A Dynamic Transit Mode with Continuing Innovations”; Proceedings, UITP Third International Light Rail Conference, 30 Sep. – 2 Oct. 1996.
8.101a Review of the book “Alternate Route: Toward Efficient Urban Transportation” by Winston and Shirley, Brookings Institution Press, 1998. In Transportation Journal vol.38/No.3, Spring 1999, pp. 68-70. Also published in The Urban Transportation Monitor, May 28, 1999, pp. 4-7.
8.102 (With E.C.Bruun, V.R.Vuchic and Y.E.Shin) “Graphical Schedules – A Powerful Tool for Service Planning and Control”; Journal of Public Transportation Vol.2, No.2, 1999, pp. 1-24.
8.103 “Achieving Intermodal Balance for Efficiency and Livability of Cities”; Proceedings, UITP 53rd Congress in Toronto, 1999.
8.104 “Die Automatisierung des U-Bahn-Systems und Erfahrungen aus Nordamerika”; Internationales Forum zum automatischen U-Bahn-Betrieb B Tagungsband; pp. 221-235; BVG, Berlin, 2000.
8.105 “Light Rail Transit System: Its Forms and Roles in Urban Areas”; Proceedings of the LRT Workshop B 2000 University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Mar. 2000, pp. 27-32.
8.106 “Comparison of LRT with Bus Semirapid Transit System”; Proceedings, UITP 5th LRT Conference in Melbourne; UITP, Brussels, Belgium, 2001.
8.107 “Selection of Maglev Questioned” and “Maglev vs. High Speed Rail: The Debate”; The Urban Transportation Monitor, resp. 16 Feb. and 30 Mar. 2001, pp. 8-11.
8.108 “Medium Capacity Guided Transit Systems”; Proceedings of the Workshop on Medium-Capacity Transit, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea, 25-26 Apr. 2002, pp. 45-72.
8.109 “Städte und Stadtverkehr im 21. Jahrhundert”; Der Nahverkehr 3/2002, pp. 13-18.
8.110 (With J. M. Casello)* “Evaluation of Maglev Technology and Its Comparison with High‑Speed Rail”; Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 56, Spring 2002, pp. 33-49.
8.111 “Bus Semirapid Transit Mode Development and Evaluation”; Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2002, pp. 71-95.
8.112 (With J. M. Casello)* “Washington Metro: Planning for Growth”; Urban Transport International, No. 40, Mar/Apr 2002, pp. 26-30.
8.113 “Urban Public Transportation Systems” in Section 6.40 Transportation Engineering and Planning of UNESCO – Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems – EOLSS, edited by T.J.Kim; EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2003; 24 pages. [http://www.eolss.net]
8.114 “Livable Cities ‑ Will Transportation Professionals Answer the Challenge?” Transportation Research News, Nov.-Dec. 2003, pp. 22-26.
8.115 (With Y. E. Shin, P.-S. Sin and C.-G. Eun) “Planning for the First Light Rail Transit System in Korea”; TR Record 1872, pp. 46-55; Washington, DC 2004.
8.116 “Ensuring Sustainability through Mass Transit”; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Urban Public Transportation Systems, ASCE, 2004, pp. 483-489.
8.117 (With Young-Jae Lee) “Transit Network Design with Variable Demand”; Journal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 131 #1, Jan. 2005, pp. 1-10.
8.118 “Light rail and BRT: Competitive or complementary?” Public Transport International 05/2005, pp. 10-13.
8.119 “Refuting Misconceptions and Misinformation About Transit”; Passenger Transport, Vol. 58, No. 38, 25 Sept. 2000, pp. 4, 70.
8.120 “Transportation Problems of Moscow and Possible Solutions” (in Russian); Akademia Arhitekturi i Stroitel’stva 4/2005, pp. 41-43. Moscow.
8.121 (With J. Casello & R. Wright) “Context-Sensitive Urban Transportation Design in West Philadelphia”; TR Record 1956, 2006, pp. 165-174.
8.122 (With Huafang Cui) “Impacts of Suppressing Bicycles on Mobility and Transportation Efficiency”; Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference in Hong Kong and Macau; 29 May-1 June 2006.
8.123 “Transportation Systems Policies for Sustainable Cities;” Thermal Science vol. 12/4, 2008, pp. 7-17.
8.124 “Implementing the Solutions: Measures for Achieving Intermodal Balance;” pp. 284-296 in E. Birch, Ed., The Urban and Regional Planning Reader, Rutledge, 2009.
8.125 (With Jeffrey Casello) “Transit Planning,” Chapter 16, pp.679-775, in M. Meyer (Ed.) Transportation Planning Handbook, 4th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, DC. 2009.
8.126 “Transportation for Liveable Cities: Problems, Obstacles and Successful Solutions;”pp. 105-130 in Ling & Yuen, Editors, World Cities Achieving Liveability and Vibrancy; World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2010.
8.127 “Maintaining performance with full automation;” Metro Report International, March 2014, pp. 36-39. London, UK.
8.128 “Planning, design and operation of rail transit networks;” Metro Report International, December 2014, pp. 48-53. London, UK.