Invited Lectures at Universities and Academies of Science
* designates the first lecture by Vuchic at that university, and the number shows at how many different universities Vuchic has lectured.
11.1-*1 Beogradski Univerzitet, Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Engineering: invited lecturer in the graduate program (16 hrs.‑ in Serbo‑Croatian); Dec. 1970 (see #3.3).
11.2-*2 Sveuciliste Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering: “Trends in Urban Transportation Systems Development” (in Serbo‑Croatian); 21 Dec. 1970.
11.3-*3 University of Pennsylvania, Towne School, Colloquium on Urbanism: “Urban Transportation in Future Perspective”; Philadelphia, 3 Mar. 1971.
11.4-*4 Southern Illinois University: “Planning and Environment ‑ A Comparative Review of European and American Approaches”; Carbondale, IL, 2 June 1971.
11.5-*5 Technische Universität München, Department of Transportation Engineering and City Planning: “Urban Transportation Modes and Technologies in the United States” (in German); 15 June 1972.
11.6-*6 University of Salford, Department of Civil Engineering: “Light Rail Transit Systems”; Salford, England, 21 June 1972.
11.7-*7 Pennsylvania State University, Transportation and Safety Center: “Urban Transportation Modes: Characteristics, Relationships and Optimal Domains”; State College, PA; 11 Jan. 1973.
11.8-*8 Ohio State University, Department of Civil Engineering: “Comparative Analysis of Transportation Modes”; Columbus, OH; 22 Feb. 1973.
11.9-*9 Temple University: “Urban Transportation Systems: New Technology”; Philadelphia, 13 and 15 Mar. 1973.
11.10 Technische Universität München, Department of Transportation Engineering and City Planning: “New Transportation Systems: Real Potential or Misdirection?” (in German); 24 May 1973.
11.11-*10 Carnegie‑Mellon University, Pittsburgh ‑ Professional Program in Urban Transportation; lecturer on topics: transit scheduling, rail and bus transit, comparative analysis of modes; 3‑7 hrs. each year, 1973‑1979.
11.12 Ohio State Univsersity, Department of Civil Engineering: “Toward Formation of Urban Transportation Systems”; Columbus, OH, 13 Nov. 1973.
11.13-*11 University of California – ITS: “Comparative Analysis of Transit Modes”; Berkeley, 27 Mar. 1974.
11.14-*12 Princeton University, Department of Civil Engineering: “Automated Transit Systems”; Nov. 1974.
11.15-*13 University of Wisconsin, Seminar on Light Rail Transit: speaker at two sessions; Milwaukee, 25‑26 Apr. 1975.
11.16 University of Pennsylvania, Department of Civil and Urban Engineering: “Society, Professionals and Academia”; Herbert Spencer Lecture Series; Philadelphia, 11 Dec. 1975.
11.17-*14 University of Hawaii, Department of Civil Engineering, with Oahu Development Conference: “Urban Design and Transportation Planning”; Honolulu, 4 Jan. 1978.
11.18-*15 Universität Karlsruhe, Institut fur Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung: “Methodology for Comparison of Transit Modes” (in German); 16 June 1978.
11.19-*16 Portland State University, School of Urban Affairs: keynote speaker at the Workshop on Light Rail Transit; Portland, OR; 14 Sep. 1978.
11.20-*17 Universidad Simon Bolivar, Department of Civil Engineering: a series of lectures (10 hrs.) in the Graduate Seminar on Urban Transportation Planning; Caracas, 2‑6 Oct. 1978.
11.21-*18 Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering: “Family of Transit Modes: Definitions and Characteristics”; Atlanta, 19 Apr. 1979.
11.22-*19 University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering: “Trends in Rail Transit”; 24 May 1979. Also three lectures in an undergraduate course, 4‑6 June 1979.
11.23-*20 University of Hokkaido, Department of Civil Engineering: “Interchange Design”; Sapporo, 28 May 1979.
11.24-*21 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Social Engineering: “Trends in Rail Transit”; 31 May 1979.
11.25-*22 University of Kobe, Department of Civil Engineering: “Trends in Rail Transit”; 18 June 1979.
11.26-*23 University of Kyoto, Department of Civil Engineering: “Trends in Rail Transit”; 19 June 1979.
11.27-*24 Taiwan Technical University and Transportation Planning Board: “Urban Transportation Trends: Theoretical Analyses and Practical Policies”; Taipei, 26 June 1979.
11.28-*25 Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering: “Urban Transportation Policies under Prospects of Limited Energy”; Charles C. Jones Seminar Series, Andover, NH, 4 Oct. 1979.
11.29-*26 Polytechnic Institute of New York, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering: “Present and Future Role of Transit in U.S. Cities”; Seminar Series in Transportation, New York City, 20 Feb. 1980.
11.30-*27 Villanova University, Department of Civil Engineering: “Definitions and Characteristics of Urban Transportation Modes”; Philadelphia, 26 Feb. 1980.
11.31-*28 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Transportation Studies: “Are Current Urban Transportation Policies Responsive to the Needs of Our Cities?”; Cambridge, MA, 19 Sep. 1980.
11.32-*29 National University of Taiwan, Department of Civil Engineering: “Trends in Rail Transit”; Taipei, 12 Dec. 1980.
11.33-*30 University of Alberta, Light Rail Transit Study Program: lectures on LRT Network Planning, Infrastructure and Rolling Stock (4 hrs); Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 25‑26 May 1981.
11.34-*31 University of Calgary, Department of Civil Engineering: “Urban Transportation Developments in the Light of Environmental and Energy Aspects”; Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 27 May 1981.
11.35-*32 University of Stellenbosch, Department of Civil Engineering: as Visiting Professor, lectured courses on urban public transportation; Stellenbosch, South Africa, 20 July ‑ 12 Aug. 1981; 18 May ‑ 12 June 1982; 18 July ‑ 9 Aug. 1983; 24 May – 10 June 1993; 8-12 Oct. 2001 (27 hours) and 3-7 Nov. 2003 (27 hours). (See #3.4).
11.36 Beogradski Univerzitet, Faculty of Transportation Engineering: “Trends in and Relationships Among Urban Transportation Modes” (in Serbian); 26 Aug. 1981.
11.37-*33 Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Division de Ciencias Sociales: three lectures in the area of Urban Transportation; Mexico City, 21‑23 Sep. 1981.
11.38-*34 Universidad Central, Department of Civil Engineering: “Rail Transit Systems Design and Operation”; (5 lectures); Caracas, 23‑27 Nov. 1981.
11.39-*35 Drexel University, Department of Civil Engineering: “Public Transportation”; Philadelphia, 1 Dec. 1982, 8 Mar. 1983 and 5 Mar. 1984.
11.40-*36 University of Michigan, Transportation Center: “Technological Innovations and Their Impact on Transit Role in Cities”; Ann Arbor, MI, 11 Feb. 1983.
11.41-*37 University of Orange Free State, Department of Urban Planning: “The Role of Public Transportation in City Planning”; Bloemfontain, South Africa, 9 Aug. 1983.
11.42-*38 University of Virginia, Department of Civil Engineering: “Urban Form and Transportation: Recent Experiences”; Charlottesville, VA, 22 Mar. 1984.
11.43-*39 University of Delaware, Department of Civil Engineering: “Auto vs. Transit Controversy in Urban Transportation”; Newark, DE, 4 Nov. 1985.
11.44-*40 University of Nottingham, Conference on Public Transport Futures: “Recent Transit Developments in North America”; Nottingham, England, 11 Apr. 1986.
11.45-*41 Universita di Roma: “Current Developments in Rail Transit Planning, Technology and Operations”; 21 May 1986.
11.46 Universita di Roma: “Trends in the Development of Transit Systems”; 22 May 1986.
11.47 Beogradski Univerzitet, Faculty of Transportation Engineering: “Trends in the Development of Urban Passenger Transport Systems and Vehicles” (in Serbo-Croatian); 27 May 1986.
11.48 Sveuciliste Zagreb, Faculty of Transportation Sciences: “Trends in the Development of Urban Public Transportation” (in Serbo-Croatian); 30 May 1986.
11.49 University of Pennsylvania, Systems Engineering Seminar: “Full Automation of Trains in Rapid Transit Systems”; 29 Jan. 1987.
11.50-*42 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich: “Der öffentliche Nahverkehr in Nord-Amerika: Erfahrungen, Probleme und Erfolge in Theorie und Praxis”; 1 June 1987.
11.51 Technische Universität München: “Voll-automatisierte Züge in U-Bahn Systemen”; 3 June 1987.
11.52-*43 Universita di Napoli: “Light Rail Transit”, 16 June 1987.
11.53-*44 Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Tecnico: short course (16 hours) on Urban Public Transportation; Lisbon, Portugal, 25-30 April 1988; and a 20-hour course, 4-8 June 1990 (see #3.5).
11.54-*45 Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees: presentation, panel member and discussant at the Colloque “Les Transports Collectifs Urbains”, Paris, 3-5 May 1988.
11.55 University of Pennsylvania: “A World Review of Transit Control Centers”; Systems Department Series on Contemporary Issues in Transit; Philadelphia, 6 Apr. 1989.
11.56-*46 Universita di Salerno: “Developments in Urban Transportation”; Salerno, Italy, 20 Oct. 1989.
11.57-*47 Sveuciliste Vladimir Bakaric: “Urban Transit: Application of World Experiences to Possibilities in Rijeka” (in Serbo-Croatian); Rijeka, Yugoslavia, 24 Oct. 1989.
11.58 Sveuciliste Zagreb: “Innovations in Urban Transit” (in Serbo-Croatian); 25 Oct. 1989.
11.59 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Geometric Analysis of Metro Networks – Theory and Applications” (in Serbo-Croatian); 26 Oct. 1989.
11.60 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Methods of Control for Transit Systems” (in Serbo-Croatian); 27 Oct. 1989.
11.61 University of Pennsylvania: “Metro Network Design: Theoretical Aspects and Empirical Experiences”; Department of Systems Seminar, 5 Feb. 1990.
11.62 University of Delaware: “How Can National Transportation Policy Alleviate Our Urban Transportation Problems?”, Newark, DE, 16 Feb. 1990.
11.63-*48 Polytechnic University of New York: “Theory of Metro Network Forms and Its Applications”; Seminar in Transportation Series, Brooklyn, NY, 13 Mar. 1990.
11.64-*49 University of North Carolina at Charlotte: “Our Cities and Their Transportation: Major Changes in Policies are Needed”; Charlotte, 4 Apr. 1990.
11.65-*50 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee: “Transportation Supply: Transit Options”; Conference and Workshop “Urban Mobility in Southeast Wisconsin”, Milwaukee, 14 Nov. 1990.
11.66 Universita di Salerno: lectures “Operations Research in Transit” and “Highway Design”; Salerno, 2 and 3 May 1991.
11.67-*51 University of Illinois in Chicago: presentation #10a-13, 7 June 1991.
11.68 Drexel University: “Full Automation of Rapid Transit: Problems and Prospects”; Philadelphia, 21 Oct. 1991.
11.69 University of North Carolina at Charlotte: “Roles of Different Transit Modes”; 26 Mar. 1992.
11.70-*52 University of New Hampshire, Durham: “The Role and Intermodal Relationships of Regional Rail”; Conference on Building Regional Rail, 26 May 1992.
11.71-*53 Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti – SANU): Invited presentation: “Review of Planning High-Performance Transit Systems”; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 7 November 1993.
11.72-*54 University of Melbourne: “Transportation for Livable Cities”; Keynote speech at the Conference on Livable Cities; Melbourne, Australia, 15 June 1994.
11.73-*55 Virginia Polytechnic University: Course on Urban Transportation sponsored by the International Road federation – IRF; Washington, DC, 26 Sep. 1994, 28 Sep. 1995, 17 Oct. 1996. The same course organized by Georgia Polytechnic, 7 Oct. 1997.
11.74 University of Kobe: “Urban Transportation – New Challenges for Engineers”; Kobe, Japan, 21 Nov. 1994.
11.75-*56 University of Fukuoka: “Characteristics of Transportation Systems and Their Impacts”; Fukuoka, Japan, 22 Nov. 1994.
11.76 University of Pennsylvania: “Urban Transportation: Understanding the Problem”; Systems Engineering Seminar Series, 27 Feb. 1995.
11.77-*57 Seoul National University: “Intermodal Coordination and Equilibrium in Urban Transportation”; Seoul, Korea, 26 Oct. 1995
11.78 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Planning of Rail Transit Systems”; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 28 Nov. 1995.
11.79-*58 Universidad Autonoma de Mexico: “Overview of Transportation of Goods and persons in Urban Areas”; Continuing Education Course, Mexico, 13 May 1996.
11.80-*59 Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers – CNAM: “Cars, Transit and Quality of Life in the World Today”; Paris, France, 28 May 1996.
11.81 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Organization and Regulation in Urban Transportation”; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 6 June 1996.
11.82-*60 Universidad Metropolitana: Lectures in Il Curso Intensivo en Transporte Urbano – Professional Course: “Characteristics and Roles of Different Urban Transportation Modes and Their Impacts on Cities”; Caracas, Venezuela, 26 Sep. 1996 and 1 Dec. 1997.
11.83 University of California: “Urban Transportation: Present Paradoxes and Lack of Vision”; Invited Seminar, Berkeley, CA, 4 Oct. 1996.
11.84 Georgia Institute of Technology: “Role of Transit, Its Forms and Relevant Policies”; 4-hour lecture in the Course on Urban Transportation sponsored by IRF; Alexandria, VA, 7 Oct. 1997.
11.85-*61 New Jersey Institute of Technology: “Transportation and Livable Cities: A Vision and New Policies Are Needed”; Newark, NJ, 30 Oct. 1997.
11.86 Universidad Metropolitana: “Education in Transportation”; Il Curso Intensivo en Transporte Urbano; Caracas, Venezuela, 5 June 1998.
11.87 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Rail Transit Systems – Planning and Design”; 3 hour seminar; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 10 June 1998.
11.88 Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SANU): “Cities and Transportation – Dilemma of Our Civilization”; Acceptance Lecture as Academician; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 11 June 1998.
11.89-*62 Univerzitet Novi Sad: “Systems Approach to the Understanding and Solving Urban Transportation Problems”; Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 15 June 1998.
11.90 Technische Universität München: “Auf der Suche nach einer attraktiven Stadt mit einem leistungsfähigen Verkehrssystem – Theorie und Praxis” (The Search for a Livable City with an Efficient Transportation System); Munich, 19 June 1998.
11.91-*63 Universidad Sao Paulo: “Urban Transportation”; 20-hour graduate course; Sao Carlos, Brazil, 3-7 Aug. 1998 (see #3.5)
11.92-*64 Universidad de Rio de Janeiro: “Urban Transportation – a Dilemma of Contemporary Society”; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 Aug. 1998.
11.93-*65 Southern Texas University, Keynote speech: “Light Rail Transit Systems”; Dallas, 18 Feb. 1999.
11.94 University of California – Berkeley: “The BART system: Its Concept, Technology and Role in the Bay Area”; Berkeley, CA 17 Sep. 1999.
11.95 Pennsylvania Institute of Technology: “Transportation for Livable Cities”; P.I.T. Fine Communicators in Technology Lecture, Media, PA, 17 Feb. 2000.
11.96-*66 Universität Kaiserslautern: “Light Rail Transit System: Its Forms and Roles in Urban Areas;” Kaiserslautern, Germany, 20 Mar. 2000.
11.97 ETH, Zürich: “Anwendung der Systemanalyse zur Lösung der Stadtverkehrsprobleme”; (Application of Systems Analysis to Solving Urban Transportation Problems), Zürich, 23 Mar. 2000.
11.98-*67 City University of New York: “Infrastructure 2000 – Investing for Growth”; Rebuilding America Coalition Symposium, New York City, 28 Mar. 2000.
11.99-*68 Technische Universität Dresden: “Verkehr und Lebensfähige Städte – Vergleichend Behandelt mit Beispielen” (Transport and Livable Cities – with Comparison of Examples); Dresden, 25 May 2000
11.100-*69 Technical University of Prague: “Intermodal Transportation for Livable Cities”; Prague, 29 May 2000.
11.101 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Trends in Urban Transit Organizations;” Belgrade, 28 Sep. 2000.
11.102-*70 University of New South Wales, Symposium on Transport for Livable Cities: “Importance and Forms of High-Performance Transit Systems in Livable Cities”; Sydney, Australia, 11 Oct. 2000.
11.103 Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT, Center for Transportation Studies, Distinguished Speaker Series: “The Future of High Speed Ground Transportation”; 16 Mar. 2001.
11.104 University of Illinois at Chicago: “Transportation Planning and Operation on University Campuses”; 1 Nov. 2001.
11.105 Beogradski Univerzitet: “Development and Innovations in Rail Transit”; 3 June 2002.
11.106-*71 University of Utsunomiya: “Contemporary Problems in Urban Transportation”; Utsunomiya, Japan, 14 May 2003.
11.107 Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti – SANU: “World Trends in Planning Metro Systems with a Review of Developments in Belgrade”; Belgrade, Serbia, 18 June 2003.
11.108 Universita di Roma: “Intermodal Transportation for Efficient and Livable Cities”; Rome, 24 June 2003.
11.109 Universita di Napoli Federico II: “Technical and Systems Innovations in Urban Transit in Large Cities”; Naples, 26 June 2003.
11.110-*72 University of Pretoria: “Urban Public Transport Systems”; Pretoria, 30-31 Oct. 2003 (14 hours).
11.111 University of Stellenbosch: “Urban Public Transportation”; Stellenbosch, 3-7 Nov. 2003 (27 hrs.).
11.112-*73 Nanyang University: six public lectures as SMRT Visiting Professor; 1-20 Mar. 2004.
11.113 Universita di Roma, “Trends in Intermodal Relations in Urban Transportation;” 6 June 2005.
11.114 Russian Academy for Architecture and Structural Sciences (RAASN), City Planning Division “Transportation in Moscow: Problems and Suggested Solutions;” Moscow, 1 Aug. 2005.
11.115 University of Pretoria, South Africa, “Transit Systems and Urban Transportation: Operations, Planning, Management and Policies;” 16-hour course for graduate students and professionals; 19-20 Oct. 2006. 41 student.
11.116 University of Stellenbosch, South Africa “Urban Transportation Systems: Technology, Operations, Planning and Policies” – 30-hour course for graduate students and professionals;. 23-27 Oct. 2006. 43 students.
11.117-*74 Istanbul Institute of Technology, “Urban Transportation Systems, Technology, Operations, Planning and Policies;” Graduate/Continuing Education course, 20-24 Nov.2006. ~ 100 students.
11.118-*75 Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, “The Role of Rail Transit in Making Cities Sustainable;” Invited seminar, 12 Feb. 2007.
11.119-*76 Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Three-hour lecture in the International Course on Urban Transportation,. 24 May 2007.
11.120 Universita di Roma, “Innovations in Urban Transit: Medium-Capacity Modes, Automation, Diversification;” 28 May 2007
11.121 Universita di Roma, “Livable and Sustainable Cities: Their Definition and Implementation;” 30 May 2007.
11.122 Universita di Napoli Federico II, “Transportation Systems for Livable Cities: Review of Technology, Balanced Transportation Concept – and Its Implementation;” 31 May 2007.
11.123-*77 Beijing Jiaotong University “Interrelationship between Transportation and City: Past Experiences and Future Directions;” 5-hour lecture, 30 July 2007.
11.124-*78 University of Niš, Serbia, “Role of Rail Transit Modes in Achieving Sustainable Cities” (in Serbian); 18 June 2008.
11.125-*79 Land Transport Academy, Singapore, “Rail Transit and Other Guided Systems: Planning, Design and Evaluation;” 16-lecture-hours course, 26 Jun-1 Jul 2008.
11.126-*80 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ “Efficient Urban Transportation Requires Systems Approach and Rational Policies;” 27 Jan. 2009.
11.127-*81 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, School of Law Urban Planning Scholar Series: “Transit and Transportation Policies for Livable Cities;“ 23 Mar. 2009.
11.128 Beogradski Univerzitet – School of Transportation Engineering, “Development and Role of Rail Transit Systems in Livability and Sustainability of Cities” (in Serbian), 2 June 2009.
11.129 Beijing Jiaotong University, “Rational Policies in Urban Transportation and Their Effective Implementation;” Beijing, 20 Aug. 2009.
11.130-*82 Technical University of Catalonia, “Role of Transportation Modes in Making Cities Livable and Sustainable;” Barcelona, Spain, 18 Sep. 2009.
11.131-*83 Technical University of Madrid, “Role of Transportation Modes in Making Cities Livable and Sustainable;” 25 Sep. 2009.
11.132 Technische Universität München und Verkehrszentrum des Deutschen Museums, “Urban Transportation and Climatic Change – an International Analysis and Developments in the USA;” (in German), Munich, 29 Oct. 2009.
11.133 Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers – CNAM, Moderating the Colloquium “Interface between Urban Transit and High-Speed Railways” preceding the Ceremony for presenting the insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Vukan R. Vuchic; Paris, 10 Mar. 2011.
11.134 University of Keimyung, “Ttransportation and Cities: Recent Experiences and Progress toward Livable Cities;” Daegu, South Korea, 26 May 2011.
11.135-*84 National Cheng Kung University, “Planning and Design of Rail Transit Lines and Networks;” Tainan, Taiwan, 2 June 2011
11.136-*85 Universidad de los Andes, “Planning and Design of Rail Transit Lines, Stations and Networks;” Bogota, Columbia, 24 June 2010.
11.137-*86 University of Toronto, “Transportation and Cities: Recent Experiences and Progress toward Livable Cities;” Toronto, 5 July 2010.
11.138 Temple University, School of Nursing, lectures on “Urban Transportation and Public Health;” Philadelphia, PA, Annual guest lecture 27 Sep. 2010 – 2016.
11.139 Georgia Institute of Technology, University Transport Center, “Urban Transportation: Developments and Progress toward Livable Cities;” Atlanta, GA, 5 Apr 2012.
11.140 Beijing Jiaotong University, “Trends in Transit Mode Selection and Design;” Beijing, 22 May 2012
11.141-*87 Chang’an University, “Rail Transit Modes: Characteristics, Selection, Planning and Operations;” Xian, 28 May 2012.
11.142-*88 Southwest Jiaotong University – SWJTU, – School of Transportation and Logistics, “Urban Transport: Can Countries in Transition Avoid the Mistakes Made by Western Countries?;” Chengdu, China, 30 May 2012
11.143-*89 Chongqing University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, “Urban Transportation: Developments and Progress toward Livable Cities;” Chongqing, China, 1 Jun 2012.
11.144-*90 Tongji University, “Characteristics, Design and Operations of Rail Transit Systems;” Shanghai, 6 Jun 2012.
11.145-*91 Moscow State Univeristy of Transportation – MIIT, “Planning and Design of Rail Transit Lines and Networks: Recent Successes and Some Mistakes;” Moscow, 6 Sep. 2012
11.146-*92 Higher School of Economics, “What Kind of Cities Does Russia Want to Have and How Can They Be Achieved?” Moscow, 6 Sep. 2012
11.147-*93 Architectural Building University, “Modern Urban Transport Planning in the U.S.A. and Other Countries;” St. Petersburg, 11 Sep 2012
11.148-*94 Higher School of Economics, Leontief Centre, “Contemporary Urban Transportation Planning – an International Review;” St. Petersburg, 11 Sep. 2012
11.149-*95 Universidad Catolica Argentina, “Urban Transport Planning Trends Worldwide: Problems and Progress toward Livable Cities;“Buenos Aires, 8 Nov. 2012
11.150 Higher School of Economics, Leontief Centre, “Urban Transport Planning and Financing in the United States;” St. Petersburg, 11 Sep. 2012
11.151 University of California, “Planning, Design and Operatioon of Rail Transit Systems;” Berkeley, CA, 7 Mar 2014
11.152-*96 University of Waterloo, Commencement Lecture as recipient of ”Honoris Causa Doctorate; Waterloo, Canada, 10 Jun 2014
11.153-*97 Distinguished lecturer, Florida Atlantic University, “Interdependence bertween Transportation and Cities: Recent Experiences and Progress toward Livable Cities;” Boca Raton, FA, 26 Feb 2015,
11.154 Belgrade University – Faculty of Transportation Engineering, “Design and Operation of Rail Transit Networks;” (in Serbian), 2 Mar 2015
11.155-*98 Kazan University – Engineering Faculty, “Transportation Policies and Planning for Livable Cities;” Kazan, Russia, 26 May 2016.
11.156 China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) – Beijing, “Planning Medium Capacity Transit System for a green city in Tianjin China;” Tianjin, China, 29 Oct – 3 Nov 2017.
11.157 Penn World House – Global Immersion Program, “High Speed Rail: A New Intercity Passenger Rail;” Philadelphia, USA, 5 February 2018.